Life Lessons : In Retrospect

5:30 PM

The year is almost ending and its been a tradition for me to look back on what are the incredible moments I had, what are the things I'm thankful for and what are the lessons that made impact to my life that made me a better person today. 
So I list some of my life lessons that I hope can be a little reminder on how we should look in a different perspective.
✋ Travelling makes you happier, creates new memories, lets you meet new people and make new friends, challenges your self from getting out of your comfort zone, changes on how you look to other's attitude as you understand more of their culture, makes you realize that there are more in this cruel world..  truly, it broadens your horizons. ✈️✈️✈️
✋ If there is a chance, there is no harm in trying.
✋ Life if full of opportunities, its always up to you if you would take the plunge.
It's best to shut up if you've got nothing good to say.
👉 Open communication is the key. Say what you want. Nah, they cant read your mind.
👉 If they don't know you in person, then don't take it personally.
👉 People would think what they want about you, but how you see yourself is what matters most.
👉 You cant change people but how you carry yourself can influence them.

✋ You can be mature and carefree, its a matter of when.

If you do something, then do it good, no, do it well! 😉
😇 An act of kindness doesn't hurt you and it's something you can freely give. Same goes with love.
😇 If someone do good things for you, you can pay it back and pay it forward.

Always look from the top view, by there you can see all sides. 😊
👉 There are days you feel alone and lonely, and yes, this too shall pass. Anyway..
👉 When you feel lonely, find people who are lonely too and together you're two less lonely people in the world. It was four in our case :) 
Quarter Life will hit you hard. You don't see it coming yet it feels it's happening at the right time in your life. You realize a lot of things, you evaluate your life choices for the past years, you start to think of what you need and not just what you want, you either wanted a promotion or decided to quit your job, you eliminate people from your life and had count the real friends you've got, you know what style suits you,you invest feelings to your life partner or already looking for the person to spend the rest of your life, you stop doing things that are waste of time and money, you try to balance work, life, friends, family, travel, sleep and nextflix (yes, netflix is substantial to life.. netflix and chill! 😁) So if you are on the same boat just enjoy the ride and next year would definitely get better. 😉

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